Insurance coverage breakdown

Insurance fraud is alive and kicking in Georgia, and that’s bad news for insurers and consumers alike. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that fraud costs the insurance industry about $40 billion per year (not counting health insurance fraud) and adds between $400 and $700 to a typical family’s annual insurance premiums. Insurance fraud can […]

Insurance adjuster looking at car accident damage

Car accidents are always upsetting, and if you’ve been injured by another driver’s negligence, you’re likely feeling somewhat adrift. This is no time to go rogue; you need an experienced car accident attorney. While most car accident claims are settled out of court, some claims are disputed and need to proceed toward a court date. […]

construction plans in Georgia

It’s nearly June, and that means it’s almost National Safety Month. The National Safety Council spearheads this effort to reduce those leading causes of injuries and fatalities on the job, on the road, and in the home. Each week in June focuses on a different facet of safety—emergency preparedness, wellness, falls, and driving—and it’s a […]

Gavel sitting on car accident lawyer desk

You’re driving along—minding your own business and watching the road ahead of you—when suddenly another driver plows into you. It’s not easy. Every car accident can upset you, but when another driver’s negligence is the cause, it’s more upsetting still. If you were injured in a car accident, you’re likely to experience shock, and finding […]

Settlement paperwork at desk of a personal injury lawyer

When you’ve been in a car accident, the emotional and physical damages can feel overwhelming. Between trips to visit the doctor, intensive physical therapy, loss of time spent with friends and family, and lack of ability to enjoy recreational activities, sometimes all you want is to put it all behind you and move on. When […]

Teen driver

It’s the day that your teenager has been dreaming about for years. They are finally old enough to apply for a safety permit that will allow them to drive with a supervised adult. This might also be the day you have been dreading. After all, teaching someone to drive takes patience, understanding, and trust. You […]

check how youre feeling

Progressive insurance is one of the largest car insurance companies in the United States. By Progressive’s own account—in its Financial Highlights—it is an exceedingly profitable business. Unlike many other insurance companies, Progressive is a publicly held business, and its stock value has been rising rapidly. Progressive’s rather bland slogan that “you could save hundreds on […]

construction zone in Lawrenceville, GA

Every spring, the weather takes a turn for the better, flowers blossom, days grow longer, and the annual National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) campaign kicks off—at what is also known as the beginning of road construction season. The motivation behind NWZAW is to remind drivers to use extra caution in work zones. This year’s Go […]

person reaching for keys to drive after getting high

When people consume alcohol or illegal drugs before getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, the results can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. Unfortunately, in recent years, instances of drugged driving have increased with the relatively low cost and widespread availability of these dangerous substances. If you have sustained injuries in a motor vehicle […]

man with road rage driving a car in georgia

When Georgia drivers exercise road rage and impatience while behind the wheel of a car, they increase their chances of colliding with another vehicle and causing a serious accident. By driving their vehicles in a frantic and hurried manner, they are also more likely to violate traffic laws and other rules of the road. If […]