driving in the rain from the prospective of the driver

The Atlanta area received more than 52 inches of rainfall in 2017 and an average of 49.71 inches each year for the past 30 years. Rain can surprise us at any time in Georgia, and it is important to always prepare for a sudden storm. This includes understanding how to adjust your driving and how […]

rear end collision in Duluth

Most car accident cases do not end up in court. Instead, they are typically resolved when the at-fault party’s insurance company enters into a settlement agreement with the victim. These agreements typically involve the victim agreeing to release the other party from liability in return for a lump sum payment. The reason that cases are […]

man with road rage driving a car in georgia

When Georgia drivers exercise road rage and impatience while behind the wheel of a car, they increase their chances of colliding with another vehicle and causing a serious accident. By driving their vehicles in a frantic and hurried manner, they are also more likely to violate traffic laws and other rules of the road. If […]

distracted driver on the phone

There are always signs on the highways altering drivers to road conditions, traffic, and other things to be aware of. In the last few years, you’ve probably started to notice a new type of sign on the highway. Along with the “click it or ticket” campaign that encourages people to remember to fasten their seat […]

Aggressive driver in an accident in Georgia

According to the 2016 US Census Data, there are at least 115 million cars on the road every day. Traffic is typically heaviest during peak hours when people are commuting to and from work, and this is usually when people are especially eager to get to where they are going quickly. With all of these […]

Toy cars, legal paperwork and cash

Car accidents are dangerous and frightening, but also costly. Your car is damaged—or totaled—and you’re injured and forced to take time off from work. The expenses can add up quickly. If another driver’s negligence injured you in a car accident, you’re no doubt feeling overwhelmed, and a cascade of medical bills certainly doesn’t help. An […]

Semi in review mirror on a Georgia highway

When you get behind the wheel of your car, you take on the huge responsibility of helping to protect the safety of everyone on the road. The best way to stay safe out there is to practice defensive driving. In fact, defensive driving just may save your life. Before you take to the open road, […]

accident victims talking with a injury lawyer

If you were injured in a car or slip and fall accident, you are no doubt overwhelmed. Many people aren’t sure how best to proceed in such situations and want to make them go away as quickly as possible. This usually includes accepting an insurance settlement. Such settlements, however, aren’t always everything they should be. […]

drunk driver drowsy at the wheel

When drivers who are under the influence of alcohol get behind the wheel, they endanger themselves and everyone else on the road. Accidents caused by drunk drivers are especially upsetting because they are easily prevented—and especially dangerous. If you were injured by a drunk driver’s negligence, you need an experienced personal injury attorney. Under the […]

man with chronic pain after an accident grabs his knee

Car accidents are frightening, and they can lead to serious injuries that have long-lasting consequences. In fact, some car accidents lead to chronic pain. The effects of chronic pain can be difficult to quantify, but chronic pain can become debilitating over time. Chronic Pain and Car Accidents A 2011 study out of the University of […]