This is a good thing because most people do not have the funds to pay for your injuries and makes the chore of actually collecting on your settlement or judgment relatively easy.

elderly man with black eye injury from nursing home

Elder abuse can occur in any setting, including the home, community, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.

sidewalk in Duluth, GA

Pedestrian accidents are a huge problem in our country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4,375 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in 2013—which averages to a pedestrian death every two hours.

truck driver speaking over radio

Distracted driving is never safe, and drivers of passenger vehicles cause many deadly accidents by talking on a cell phone, eating and drinking, or looking at a GPS.

There are several kinds of health insurance or programs that come into play when working through your personal injury case.

motorcycle laying on the road next to a firetruck after a motorcycle accident

Many motorcycle riders love the freedom of riding a motorcycle and the cost saving on gas. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle is not always fun.

A tort is a civil wrong (an action that violates another person’s rights) that a defendant commits.

Does MedPay cover pedestrians in Georgia? MedPay, or medical payments coverage you can add to your auto insurance policy, covers medical bills for you and your passengers after an accident.

road sign with "negligence" written below

You could be off work for weeks, months, or longer if you were hurt in a slip and fall accident at a business or other property.

red sedan with damage after a car accident

When a negligent driver causes your crash, chances are your vehicle will be damaged. You will need to file a property damage claim.