ambulance speeding through Atlanta

First responders must get to their destinations as fast as they safely can. When an ambulance, fire truck, or police car is responding to an emergency, we all know to get out of the way and let them get to where they need to go. When these vehicles have their lights and sirens on, they […]

Atlanta intersection, pedestrian crossing

Atlanta is an incredibly vibrant city that offers residents and visitors everything you would expect from a metropolitan area of more than 5 million people. Unfortunately, this includes all the risks associated with urban living, including dangerous roadways and intersections. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, these were the most dangerous intersection in the city based […]

man takes breathalyzer test when pulled over for DUI

Drunk and drugged drivers cause thousands of accidents each year, often with devastating results. Fortunately for victims, if they can prove that the driver was drunk at the time of the accident, they are typically entitled to compensation for their accident-related losses, including their medical expenses, lost income, lost quality of life, and physical and […]

man holding neck after rear-end collision

Rear-end collisions are some of the most destructive and dangerous accidents that regularly occur on Georgia’s roadways. In many cases, victims are sitting at a stop light when a vehicle slams into them without warning, potentially causing in extremely severe injuries, some of which we discuss below. For more information, call Brauns Law Accident Injury […]

Traumatic brain injury scans

When children and adolescents are injured, it’s important that adults take steps to ensure that their injuries are identified and properly treated—especially when their injuries have the potential to affect the rest of their lives. Without a doubt, traumatic brain injuries fall into this category, and parents and other adults should be able to recognize […]

Semis driving on Georgia highway

Large commercial trucks speeding down the interstate or the highway are an unfortunately common sight throughout Georgia and the rest of the United States. While many of us have been known to drive a few miles per hour over the posted speed limit, it’s against the law, and it puts everyone at risk—especially when you’re […]

Woman with her hand on a semi-truck mirror posing for a picture

The law generally holds truck drivers to a higher standard of care than regular motor vehicle drivers. This is because the drivers of large trucks, including tractor-trailers and big rigs, drive professionally. They must pass more stringent driving tests than other motor vehicle drivers and must normally obtain a special driver’s license that allows them […]

Prescription drugs

Although other criminal offenses differentiate between illegal drugs and prescription drugs, when it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) offenses, the law treats the two similarly. A driver who sustains a DUI conviction for operating a vehicle while under the influence of a legally prescribed medication can still incur possible jail time, community service, […]

Neck and spine injury xrays being examined by a doctor

Spinal cord injuries can result in serious complications, one of which includes full or partial paralysis. The extent of these injuries depends largely upon the severity of the impact and other related factors, such as the injured person’s age and preexisting physical condition. Sometimes, a spinal cord injury occurs when another person is negligent, such […]

Car in an accident with a dump truck

If you have suffered injuries as a result of a truck driver’s negligence, you may be eligible to file a claim or lawsuit against the responsible truck driver, as well as the trucking company. You should be aware, however, that time may be of the essence in your case and that you must file your […]