The Brauns Blog: Where
Personal Injury Law Meets Life
How to Find the Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers Near You

When you or a loved one suffered an injury due to possible medical malpractice, your decision about who will represent you in your case may be the most important one that you will make. You cannot hire just anyone to represent you because medical malpractice cases are often hard-fought and complicated. These are cases that […]

How Much Will Workers’ Compensation Pay Me for My Back Injury?

People who are considering filing a workers’ compensation claim often ask how much they can expect in benefits. The short answer is that it depends on your specific injury. A workers’ compensation claim may pay for many of your expenses, though they won’t cover everything that a personal injury lawsuit will. Nonetheless, this should not […]

How Long Can I Wait to Hire a Lawyer After a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accident victims should focus on their physical recoveries immediately after serious motorcycle crashes. However, many accident victims require long-term assistance following devastating motorcycle collisions and cannot return to work. Families often cook, clean, and care for injured loved ones in the weeks following the crash, but what happens after the dust settles? The longer […]

How Are Wrongful Death Damages Paid?

Accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States. In an average year, 33,000 people may die from a car crash, and another 25,000 thousand people could perish from a fall. This does not even count the thousands of people who will die from doctors’ mistakes or faulty medical devices. When someone else […]

What to Do After FedEx Truck Accidents

FedEx has seen its revenues and price of shares move higher as U.S. commerce moves more through the air than ever. The rise of online shopping and the demise of the retail store means that individuals and entities send cargo through carriers such as the USPS, UPS, and FedEx more frequently. It seems as if […]

Buzzed Driving: How Can I Recover Compensation When a Drunk or Drugged Driver Injures Me?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), one person was killed in a drunk driving accident every 50 minutes somewhere in the United States in recent years. Put another way, on a national level, approximately 10,511 people died in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes in just one year. Various studies also show that even […]

What Is Brake Checking and How Can It Injure You?

When someone is driving too closely behind and tailgating another vehicle, there can sometimes be a powerful temptation to engage in brake checking. However, when drivers engage in this type of activity, it creates a variety of dangers that can lead to a serious accident. Just because someone engages in brake checking does not mean […]

How Can a Lawyer Help You After a Brain Stem Injury?

The brain stem is arguably the body’s most critical area. It connects the brain to the spinal cord, allowing complex signals to travel from the brain throughout the body. Additionally, the brain stem controls critical life-sustaining functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and swallowing. Serious brain stem injuries often result in paralysis, comas, or death. Acquired […]

Approximately How Many Older People Experience Elder Abuse Each Year?

People often inquire about how many seniors are victims of elder abuse each year. Unfortunately, we have to answer that we do not really have an exact count. We certainly have our suspicions and our worst-case scenarios, but the nature of the act and the victims are such that elder abuse is a misdeed that […]

Your Accident Injury Claim: How Much Is It Worth?

Personal injury advertisements often highlight local law firms’ biggest cases and most favorable settlements. These ads often leave injured claimants wondering if they have six or seven-figure accident cases. While many claimants seriously injured in falls and car crashes can demand substantial compensation, the vast majority of personal injury claims settle for much less, such […]

Providing You With The Resources You Need To Build The Case You Deserve

Answers to questions personal injury accident victims frequently ask their attorney on a variety of topics [...]

Although insurance is prohibited from being mentioned at trial, it will permeate every aspect of your [...]

Handling your damaged car – getting it repaired or replaced, getting a rental car, and getting compensated for its lost value, are one of [...]

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