Gwinnett County sees a disturbing number of traffic accidents every year. Unfortunately, many of these crashes leave victims with lasting physical, financial, and emotional hardships. But help is possible. If another party’s negligence caused the collision, Georgia law allows individuals to pursue compensation for their losses. Did you or someone you love sustain injuries in […]

States have different rules about liability for car accidents. When it comes to obtaining compensation for injuries after a crash, it’s important to know the difference between a no-fault state and an at-fault state. Keep reading to learn more about Georgia accident laws and how they might affect your personal injury claim. No-Fault vs. At-Fault […]

Stoplight in downtown Atlanta

People often run red traffic lights when they are in a hurry and do not want to stop and wait for the traffic light to change. However, running a red traffic light at an intersection is a surefire way to bring about a collision with another vehicle. In fact, failing to stop at a stop […]

The winter months can be a dangerous time to be on the roads, even in a southern state like Georgia. While it’s warmer here than in many other parts of the country, rain and snowstorms still arrive on occasion. If you were living in Georgia in 2014, you likely remember “snowmageddon,” which was when the […]

chest xray after an accident being examined by a radiologist

After car crashes, vehicle occupants often suffer from whiplash, slipped discs, and associated muscle strains. However, drivers and front-seat passengers may develop pain, bruising, and swelling around the upper chest area in the days following the collision. Some claimants mistakenly believe they’re only suffering from accident-related anxiety or stress, but these symptoms generally indicate chest […]

man holding neck, calling the police after a rear-end collision

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about three million people sustain non-fatal injuries in motor vehicle accidents each year in the United States. These injuries are costly, with medical care costs and productivity losses associated with injuries and deaths from motor vehicle crashes exceeding approximately $75 billion annually. Who pays […]

car accident lawyer and victim discussing insurance claim

The average number of car accident injuries that happen per year in the United States is around three million. In addition, about 36,000 people die from auto accident injuries every year, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. When a party doesn’t follow the rules of the road, disaster can happen, leading to insurmountable consequences for those […]

person filling out police report after an accident. White and red cars collided in Georgia

Maybe you had just stopped for your morning coffee and were on your way to work. Maybe you made a quick run to the store for the missing dinner ingredient. Perhaps you just dropped your child off at soccer practice or were on your way to pick up a friend for a night out. No […]

Atlanta is a populous, bustling city with countless traffic intersections. The crossing of two or more busy streets is hazardous by nature, with dozens of vehicles traveling in different directions, all squeezing through the same small area every minute. Thousands of car accidents occur on Georgia’s roads each year, and hundreds of them happen in […]

Determining fault for a car crash may seem simple at first. Unfortunately, even obviously negligent drivers and their insurers may attempt to shift some or all of the blame onto the drivers injured in the accident. You may suddenly find yourself questioned about your speed, driving history, and vehicle maintenance practices. What seemed like an […]