In the aftermath of a collision resulting in injuries and property damage, those involved often ask whether their car accident settlement can exceed the at-fault driver’s insurance policy limits. The answer is that it is relatively rare that a car accident settlement is higher than the insurance policy limits. You will likely have to accept […]

If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence and already had prior injuries or preexisting conditions, you may be worried about pursuing compensation for the new injuries sustained in the collision. The at-fault driver’s insurance company might try to use your previous conditions against you to avoid compensating you for […]

If you’ve been injured as a passenger in someone else’s vehicle, you shouldn’t have to pay out of pocket for the resulting medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses you incur. If another motorist, the driver you’re riding with, or another entity caused the crash and your injuries, you have the right to demand fair […]

If you’ve been in a Georgia car accident that wasn’t your fault, there are crucial steps you should take to protect your health and your right to seek fair compensation from the at-fault party if necessary. You might know that you could take legal action to recover money for your medical bills, lost wages, repairs […]

woman on the phone with her insurance company after an auto accident

People tend to think of rear-end collisions as “minor” accidents. However, even a collision at relatively low speeds can cause serious injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported over two million rear-end collisions in a recent year, causing almost 600,000 injuries and taking over 2,000 lives. If you’ve been rear-ended, there are many minor […]

Were you injured in a car accident in Georgia? If so, you could be owed significant compensation if someone else’s negligence was to blame for your crash. The compensation you seek could cover medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and more. You will need several pieces of evidence to bring a successful injury claim. One […]

A car accident can leave you feeling shaken up and unsure of what to do next. You may want to file a claim to recover compensation for your injuries but may not know the appropriate steps to take to get there. If you’ve been injured, sustained property damage, and are left deciding how to cover […]

deer crossing a back road in gwinnett county

Car accidents involving deer are common occurrences, particularly during deer season from October through December. According to a study by the Federal Highway Administration, there are an estimated one to two million animal collisions each year in the United States. Georgia is a “high risk” state for animal collisions, with drivers facing a one in 89 […]

While most people understand the importance of purchasing auto insurance coverage, many often want to pay as little in premiums as possible. That’s why many decline to purchase uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage. UM and UIM insurance are essential in Georgia and can protect you in many common car accident scenarios that […]

woman calling insurance company after an accident in Georgia

From smartphones to infotainment and navigation systems, the number of in-vehicle distractions Georgia drivers have to divert their attention from the road has increased significantly over the last decade. On average, 700 people are injured, and eight people are killed in distracted driving crashes each day. With 57,605 distracted driver convictions in Georgia in 2021, […]