Semis lined up in a parking lot

Commercial trucks bring products to people and businesses throughout the United States. In fact, 71 percent of all the freight (by ton) in the U.S. is carried by commercial trucks. The products you purchase at the mall, the heating oil for your home, and the car you may have purchased from a dealership all likely […]

You might never think about common trucks on the road unless you hear a country song extolling big rigs, like “18 Wheels and a Dozen Roses” or “Roll On (18 Wheeler).” Even then, you may pay more attention to the melody than to the subject matter. But drivers of all vehicles would do well to […]

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), over 4,000 fatal crashes involving large trucks occur across the United States each year. Additionally, more than 100,000 truck accidents result in injuries. When truck accidents occur, those in smaller vehicles often suffer severe injuries because of the massive size and weight of large trucks. Truck […]

Cell phone use while driving, including making phone calls and texting, is a form of distracted driving that can lead to serious motor vehicle collisions. Georgia law imposes regulations on cell phone use by motor vehicle drivers, including truck drivers, who operate their vehicles on Georgia roadways. There are also some special regulations that apply […]

After a truck accident, you need to send the trucking company a spoliation letter to ensure the preservation of evidence. For legal help: 404-418-8244.

FMCSA-mandated texting rules for truck drivers ban all cell phone usage while drivers are behind the wheel. For legal help after an accident: 404-418-8244.

The truck accident settlement process in Georgia is complex and requires good negotiation and investigative skills. For legal help, call 404-418-8244.

FMCSA’s hours of service rules attempt to curb accidents caused by truck driver fatigue. If you sustained injuries in an accident, call 404-418-8244.

silver car that is totaled after a crash

Truck head-on collisions are the most common type of truck crashes. Learn the causes of these deadly crashes and the injuries victims suffer.

Manila envelope that says "Evidence" in red ink

Why is it crucial to preserve evidence quickly if you’ve been in a truck crash? Learn the answer here and the steps your attorney may take to do this for you.