Are There Clues or Behaviors I Should Watch for if My Loved One Is Being Abused or Neglected?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse

Have you noticed a recent shift in your loved one’s personality? Are they avoiding your calls, suddenly wearing loose-fitting clothes, or withdrawing from social activities? All four of these activities frequently constitute signs of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Children and vulnerable adults often struggle to recognize abuse or how to communicate its occurrence to […]

Are There Advocates I Can Speak to If I’m Worried About Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse

Families trust dedicated nursing facilities to care for their loved ones when they can’t. Elderly relatives might need temporary rehabilitation after suffering a broken hip or long-term care for symptoms related to Alzheimer’s. Nursing homes often cost seniors thousands of dollars each month, yet the quality of care they receive depends on the availability of […]

Do Care Facilities Discriminate Based on Coverage?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse

Discrimination In Nursing Home Care If you believe that you or your loved one experienced discrimination by a nursing home on the basis of insurance coverage (or some other basis), hire an experienced nursing home attorney to handle your case. A Duluth nursing home lawyer can review your case with you, and if necessary, can […]

What Happens When Medicaid Runs Out?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse

What Happens if Medicaid Runs Out? The legal bases for a nursing home to legally discharge or transfer a resident are very limited in most states across the country. In fact, if Medicaid runs out, this is not a basis for a nursing home to remove a resident. In some very limited cases, however, a […]

How Is a Case of Potential Elder Abuse Different From a Case of Potential Child Abuse?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse

When people think about potential victims of abuse, minors and young children are usually at the top of the list. This is especially true because media reports tend to focus heavily on stories involving child abuse—especially sexual abuse of underage minors by adults. However, elderly people are another group of individuals who are especially vulnerable […]

Which Older People are Most Likely to Suffer from Elder Abuse?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse
Personal injury attorney David Brauns professional headshot

In the United States, an unfortunate number of individuals over the age of 60 suffer from elder abuse. Statistics show that at least 10 percent of all elders have experienced some type of abuse. However, this number is thought to be a low estimate because situations involving elder abuse are largely unreported. In addition to […]

Personal injury attorney David Brauns professional headshot

The Steps You Should Expect Your Nursing Home Abuse Attorney to Take for Your Loved One

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse
family holding the hands of their elderly relative in a nursing home

Have you decided to hire an attorney to help you stop your family member’s abuse in a nursing home? Here, learn what your lawyer may do to assist you.

family holding the hands of their elderly relative in a nursing home

Unsanitary Conditions at Your Family Member’s Nursing Home Could Put Him at Risk of Serious Health Problems

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse
dirty hands/nails of an elderly woman living at a nursing home

Nursing home residents should live in sanitary conditions and have their hygiene needs met. Nursing homes who fail to provide this may be liable for neglect.

dirty hands/nails of an elderly woman living at a nursing home