The Experience And Strength To Get Things Done

When you choose a lawyer, you’re basically putting your future in his (hopefully) capable hands. But what if he winds up being all talk and no action? In order for you to be 100% comfortable in the abilities of David Brauns, we provide extensive public case results so you can see firsthand that he just doesn’t claim that he has experience, he can prove that he has the strength to get cases successfully settled. Come see for yourself.

IMPORTANT: Each case is different. What we achieved in someone else’s case doesn’t mean we’ll get that for you. In fact, a lawyer cannot ethically guarantee a particular result. However, we do have significant experience in evaluating cases.

A man was rear ended at a high rate of speed by a distracted driver. Our client sustained a major shoulder injury requiring surgery. He received a settlement of $250,000.00.

Husband and wife were rear-ended and required injections to get better. David Brauns handled their case and they received a $230,000 settlement for their injuries.

Our client was sideswiped by a tractor trailer while turning onto the interstate. She had four knee surgeries prior to the wreck, and had to undergo yet another surgery afterwards. We were able to obtain a settlement of $180,000 despite her prior injuries to that same knee.

Client was rear-ended while a passenger in a pickup truck. The impact caused an old back injury to flare up. Client only had $16,829 in medical expenses but we were able to prove a new injury above his old back surgery site.