Aftermath of a bus accident on the street

When you get on a bus, you have to trust the driver, the bus, and the other drivers on the road. If you were injured in a bus accident, it likely wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t be responsible for the losses you suffer because of it. But you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries from the at-fault party.

There is a lot to handle after being injured in a bus accident. It can be difficult to have a bus accident claim or lawsuit on top of that. The legal team at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC is here to guide you through the process. We can provide the resources and legal advice you need to pursue compensation for your damages.

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our experienced Georgia bus accident lawyers.

Most Common Types of Bus Accident Injuries

Buses are usually large and carry a lot of people. That can lead to many serious injuries when a bus accident occurs. Some of the most common types of injuries from Georgia bus accidents include the following:

  • Whiplash
  • Sprains, strains, and torn ligaments
  • Chronic back and neck pain
  • Broken or fractured bones

If you’ve been in any type of bus accident, you may be able to demand compensation for your injuries. Talk to one of our compassionate bus injury attorneys to see how we can help.

What Are the Common Causes of Bus Accidents?

Many Georgia residents choose to take the bus to avoid the heavy traffic in some cities. Unfortunately, that also means there is a lot of traffic on the road that can lead to bus accidents. Our Georgia personal injury lawyers often see these causes of bus accidents:

  • Distracted driving — Safely driving a bus requires a lot of focus. If a bus operator is distracted, they can’t pay full attention to the road and respond to any hazards.
  • Driving under the influence — Driving while drunk or on drugs gives drivers slower reaction times and impaired judgment.
  • Not following traffic rules — Obeying traffic lights and signs, yielding the right-of-way, and changing lanes safely are all essential to avoid accidents.
  • Poor training — The bus driver’s employer should train them to drive safely. The company should also encourage drivers to get enough rest and be familiar with their routes.
  • Speeding — Bus drivers are operating a large vehicle. They must drive at a safe speed in all conditions. This includes slowing down when making turns, in bad weather, and through heavy traffic.
  • Driving fatigued — Bus drivers must be well-rested and alert when driving. Driving a bus while sleepy can be as dangerous as driving impaired.
  • Other drivers — All drivers are responsible for following traffic rules and driving safely. Other drivers’ negligence can also cause a bus accident.
  • Poor maintenance or inspection — The bus company is responsible for ensuring the bus is safe to drive. It should also be regularly inspected.

With all of the possible causes for bus accidents, there are many people that could owe you compensation. If you were injured in a bus accident, Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can answer your questions and help you file a bus accident claim.

Who Is Liable for a Bus Accident in Georgia?

Bus safety is taken seriously in Georgia. Buses are considered common carriers under Georgia law. This means that bus drivers have a higher responsibility to keep their passengers safe than other drivers. Because of this, it can be relatively easy to hold a bus driver liable for an accident they caused.

But one of the challenges of a bus accident claim is that quite a few people could be responsible for the accident. Some of the parties that could be held liable for a bus accident in Georgia include the following:

  • The bus driver — If the bus driver’s negligence caused the accident, they could be at fault. The bus driver could have caused the accident by speeding, running red lights, or driving drunk.
  • Another driver — Another driver could have caused the accident. They may be responsible if it was due to negligence.
  • The bus company — If the bus was owned privately, they could be at fault for hiring unsafe drivers or not maintaining a safe bus.
  • Manufacturer — Parts aren’t always designed perfectly, and buses aren’t always assembled correctly. The bus or parts manufacturer could be held responsible if a malfunction occurs.
  • Maintenance company — A bus can also malfunction if maintenance or inspections aren’t done correctly. The maintenance worker or company could be liable if an accident occurs.

A skilled Georgia bus accident attorney can review regulations and gather evidence to figure out who failed to keep you safe. After determining who is liable for your injuries, they can help you seek financial recovery.

What Types of Compensation Can a Bus Accident Victim Recover in Georgia?

If you were injured in a bus accident, you’re likely struggling with medical bills, lost wages, and a lot of pain. You may be able to pursue payment for the damages you’ve suffered. Bus accident victims in Georgia may be owed compensation for damages such as the following:

  • Medical bills, treatments, and procedures
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost income from time off work
  • Loss of future income if you cannot return to your job
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If you have questions about whether you’re entitled to financial compensation and what types are available, a Georgia bus accident attorney can help. They’ll be able to review your bus accident case, calculate your losses, and negotiate to help you pursue full compensation. If needed, they can also take your case to court with a bus accident lawsuit. However, you only have two years to file a lawsuit in most cases, so it’s important to act quickly to be sure you have time.

What to Do After a Bus Accident in Georgia

You may not know where to turn after a bus accident. There are likely many people involved, and you could have serious injuries. After a Georgia bus accident, try to stay calm and follow these steps:

  • Talk to the police — The bus driver should immediately call the police. The police will talk to everyone and create an accident report. You will want to be sure you give a statement and your name is included to document that you were involved in the accident.
  • Gather evidence — Try to get pictures and videos of as much as you can while at the scene. Get contact information for others involved and any witnesses. Ask for the bus driver’s contact, insurance, and employer information. You’ll also need to get a copy of the police report once it’s ready.
  • See a doctor — If you weren’t taken to the emergency room, see a doctor as soon as you can. You need to document any injuries you may have. You also could have injuries that haven’t shown symptoms yet.
  • Document your injuries — Keep any receipts for medical expenses, pay stubs showing lost income, and your medical records. You can also document your pain and emotional damages in a journal while you’re recovering. These can all be used to prove your financial, physical, and emotional damages for compensation.
  • Contact a bus accident lawyer in Georgia — Bus accident claims can get confusing. An attorney can help you seek justice from anybody who may be at fault.

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can help wherever you are in the process. We’re here to get you medical treatment, collect evidence, handle communication with the insurance companies, and pursue compensation for your damages. Reach out and see how we can use our experience helping Georgia bus accident victims to help you.

Contact Our Experienced Georgia Bus Accident Lawyers Today

Bus accidents often involve a lot of victims and at-fault parties. They can quickly become complicated. You need to focus on recovering from your injuries, not answering calls from the insurance companies and trying to negotiate your own settlement.

A Georgia bus accident lawyer at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will work tirelessly to fight for your rights. We can evaluate your bus accident case, identify all at-fault parties, and help you demand full compensation for your injuries.

Call or contact us online today for a free consultation with one of our understanding bus accident attorneys.