Suffering an injury in an accident can result in debilitating pain. While some accident-related injuries are visibly evident, others may be less obvious. Soft tissue injuries are among the most common consequences of accidents, but their frequent lack of outward signs means they do not always receive the attention they deserve. Nevertheless, soft tissue injuries can lead to costly medical bills, lost income due to missed time at work, and an inability to engage in the activities you enjoy. If the accident resulted from another party’s negligence, you may be eligible to file a compensation claim for these and other losses.

Our Georgia soft tissue injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC, understand how challenging life can feel after a soft tissue injury. Our legal team will work efficiently to recover the total and fair compensation you deserve in your time of need. Call or contact us online for a free consultation with a Lawrenceville soft tissue injury attorney today.

What Is Soft Tissue?

Soft tissue is a term that includes many parts of the human body that are not bones, blood vessels, or vital organs. Examples of soft tissue include:


The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It serves as a protective barrier between the outside world and the body’s inner workings.


Muscles come in three different varieties:

  • Skeletal muscles, such as your biceps or hamstrings, which you use to move your body
  • Smooth muscles, which move food along your digestive tract
  • Cardiac muscles, which make up your heart


Tendons are thick bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Examples include your Achilles tendon, which connects your calf muscles to your heel, and your quadriceps tendon, which connects your kneecap to your thigh muscles.


Ligaments serve as the connections between bones. For example, your cruciate ligaments connect your thigh bones to your shin bones.


Your nerves send signals between your brain and the rest of your body. They are necessary for motor activity and sensory perception.

What Should You Do After Suffering a Soft Tissue Injury?

Suffering a soft tissue injury in an accident may come as a shock, which can prevent you from experiencing the full level of pain until hours or days later. You should always visit a medical professional as soon as possible after an accident and follow their treatment plans to the letter. Doing so will put you on the path to recovery and improve your chances of a successful soft tissue injury claim.

You should also be sure to:

  • Avoid performing physical activities that will cause more harm to the injury site
  • Rest as much as possible to promote healing
  • Elevate the injured area above the heart when possible
  • Contact an experienced Lawrenceville personal injury attorney who can fight for the compensation you deserve

Common Types of Soft Tissue Injuries Our Lawyers Can Help With

The experienced attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can seek compensation for individuals with many types of soft tissue injuries, including:

  • Sprains – These injuries occur when an accident results in a partial tear of a ligament. A painful sprain can happen whenever a ligament stretches beyond its healthy range of motion. Common sites for sprains include the wrists, knees, and ankles.
  • Strains – Strains affect the body’s muscles or tendons, often resulting from overuse. However, they can also occur due to blunt force trauma in an accident.
  • Tendonitis –This soft tissue condition occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed due to repetitive motion, overuse, or trauma. Tendonitis is common in the feet, ankles, hips, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
  • Bursitis –A bursa is a small sac of fluid that cushions areas between bones, tendons, and muscles. Injuries can cause bursae to inflame, particularly in the feet, ankles, knees, hips, elbows, and shoulders.

Common Causes of Soft Tissue Injuries in Lawrenceville

Soft tissue injuries can occur in many types of accidents, including:

  • Car accidents – Traffic collisions often result in whiplash or other neck and back injuries. Airbag deployments can also lead to burns and further soft tissue damage.
  • Slip and fall accidents – Tripping on uneven pavement, wet floors, or other hazards can cause sprains, strains, and other trauma. Poor property maintenance often contributes to these injuries.
  • Workplace accidents – Repetitive motions, awkward postures, and heavy lifting take a toll over time, resulting in tendonitis, bursitis, and nerve damage. Lack of training and improper equipment use may also lead to harm.
  • Sports injuries – The constant physical demands of athletic activity, along with hard falls and collisions, frequently damage muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Insufficient warm-ups and stretching contribute to these injuries.
  • Animal attacks – Dog bites and other animal encounters can cause severe lacerations, scarring, infections, and nerve damage, requiring intensive medical intervention.

No matter how a soft tissue injury occurs, the at-fault party may be held legally and financially accountable through a personal injury claim.

How Are Soft Tissue Injuries Treated?

The appropriate treatment plan for a soft tissue injury depends on factors like the severity of the damage, the body part affected, and the patient’s medical history. Standard treatment approaches include:

  • Medications – Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen can provide relief, along with prescription painkillers for more severe trauma. Muscle relaxants may also ease spasms and discomfort.
  • Physical therapy – Stretching, exercises, muscle stimulation, cold and heat therapy, and manual techniques can improve your range of motion and function over time.
  • Braces or splints – These supports immobilize the injured area to promote healing by limiting painful movements.
  • Injections – When injected directly into damaged tendons or joints, corticosteroids can reduce inflammation. Platelet-rich plasma injections may also accelerate healing.
  • Surgery – If more conservative treatments fail and a tear or severe impingement exists, surgeons may repair or release damaged tendons and ligaments.

With proper medical treatment and time, many soft tissue injuries heal completely. However, neglecting prompt care can cause chronic pain and disability. Following doctors’ orders boosts the chance of a good recovery.

Statute of Limitations to File a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia

Every state has a statute of limitations stipulating how much time an injury victim has to file a lawsuit against a negligent party. The limitations period in Georgia is two years, meaning that you must initiate legal action within two years of the accident date. Some circumstances may shorten or lengthen this limitations period, so you should consult a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Georgia to ensure you meet this statutory deadline.

Are Soft Tissue Injuries Hard to Prove After an Accident?

One of the most effective ways of diagnosing some types of injury is to undergo a scan, such as an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. However, many soft tissue injuries do not appear on these scans, which can make them difficult to prove.

Furthermore, because soft tissue injuries can take longer to develop than other injuries, many injured individuals do not seek early medical attention after an accident. This delay can lead insurance companies to question whether the injury genuinely occurred due to the accident rather than an unrelated incident. Alternatively, in their desire to save money, an insurance adjuster may claim that you are exaggerating your injury or its consequences. Working with a seasoned personal injury attorney can help combat such claims so you can access the compensation you deserve.

Compensation Available for Soft Tissue Injury Victims

If you have suffered a soft tissue injury due to another party’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

Should I Prepare for Trial Even if I’m Trying to Settle?

Most soft tissue injury claims settle out of court. However, insurance companies are not always willing to offer a compensation package that will cover the full extent of a victim’s losses. For this reason, an experienced Lawrenceville personal injury lawyer will always prepare a case as though they expect to go to trial. Doing so can signal the insurer that you are unafraid to take your case before a judge and jury. Because insurance companies prefer to avoid costly lawsuits, this preparation can encourage them to offer a fair soft tissue injury settlement. If not, your lawyer will be ready to argue your case aggressively in court.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lawrenceville Help You?

While many attempt to represent themselves in their soft tissue injury claims, you can increase your chances of maximizing your compensation if you work with a skilled attorney. Dealing with the claims process is challenging for anyone without a thorough knowledge of personal injury law, particularly while recovering from your injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer can:

  • Investigate the accident to determine what occurred
  • Identify all at-fault parties
  • Calculate the total value of your losses
  • Negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf
  • Take the at-fault party to court if necessary

Contact the Experienced Lawrenceville Car Accident Lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC

If you are considering filing a compensation claim for a soft tissue injury in Lawrenceville, GA, the knowledgeable attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC, can help. Let us take care of the complicated legal process so you can focus on your recovery. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you.