Nursing home abuse is more common than you may think, and it can seriously jeopardize the health and happiness of your loved one. Knowing the signs of elder abuse is key in preventing your loved one from becoming a victim.

If you suspect abuse at a Georgia nursing home, it is important to report this by calling Adult Protective Services at 1-866-55AGING. If you discover a serious abuse or neglect situation that puts seniors in immediate danger, calling 911 or contacting the local authorities could save a life.

What are the signs of physical abuse?

Noticing unexplained physical injuries on your loved one are a sign of possible physical abuse, but seeing bruises, welts, or open wounds are not the only thing that may signal this type of abuse. Other signs include:

  • Untreated injuries including sprains, dislocations, and fractures
  • Marks left by ropes or other restraints
  • Broken eyeglasses or other personal property
  • Lab tests that show medication overdose
  • A sudden change in behavior, such as becoming withdrawn
  • A caregiver who refuses to leave you alone with your loved one
  • A senior who reports physical abuse

What are the signs of neglect?

Neglect is sometimes harder to spot than physical abuse, but it can be just as deadly. Some signs of neglect to look for include:

  • Missed medication doses
  • Dehydration or malnutrition
  • Poor hygiene, soiled bedding, or unsanitary living conditions
  • Untreated bedsores
  • Untreated or ignored health problems
  • Unsafe conditions, such as obvious fall hazards or lack of heat
  • Inadequate clothing or bedding
  • A senior who reports that staff ignore or mistreat her

What are the signs of emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse may not put your loved one in immediate danger, but it can lead to a large amount of distress as well as a decrease in quality of life. Signs of emotional abuse include:

  • Seniors who seem unusually upset or agitated
  • A normally friendly senior who suddenly becomes withdrawn or depressed
  • Sucking, rocking, or other symptoms that are out of character for the senior
  • Extreme dislike of a particular caregiver
  • A senior who reports being cursed out or verbally abused
  • A senior who reports being emotionally abused

What are the signs of financial abuse?

Financial abuse occurs when a caregiver exploits the senior for financial gain. Signs may include:

  • Changing banks or accounts suddenly and without explanation
  • Withdrawal of a large amount of money without explanation
  • Adding a caregiver’s name to the senior’s account without consulting family members
  • Unauthorized use of the senior’s ATM card by a caregiver
  • Sudden and unexpected changes in a will to include a specific caregiver
  • Money or valuables that go missing
  • Unpaid bills, despite having the financial resources to pay them
  • Forged signatures on financial documents
  • A senior who mentions loaning money to a caregiver, or paying for a personal item for a caregiver
  • A senior who reports being the victim of financial abuse

Contact Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC to Learn More

Elder abuse attorney David Brauns represents the victims of nursing home abuse in Duluth Georgia, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. If you believe caregivers have abused or neglected your loved one, contact us today at 404-418-8244 to schedule a no-obligation consultation about your options.

I am the founding partner of Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC. I only represent plaintiffs in injury cases and only handle personal injury claims. This allows me to focus solely on personal injury litigation and devote myself to helping injured residents in Georgia recover fair compensation for their damages.