neck injury after a car accident

If you are one of the millions of people hurt in a traffic accident this year, you should understand what to expect physically so you know when to seek medical help and how to demand financial compensation from the at-fault driver. To learn more, contact Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC for a free consultation.

Physical Symptoms After a Car Crash

Physical trauma is common after car accidents. While many people suffer from visible injuries such as cuts, bruises, and fractures, others suffer less obvious car accident injuries like concussions, neck or back injuries, and internal bleeding. Sometimes, injuries can take hours, days, or longer to manifest themselves. Recognizing delayed symptoms after a car accident is crucial to getting the medical treatment you need.

Common symptoms of car accident injuries include the following:


You could suffer from post-trauma headaches even if you do not hit your head in a car accident. Sometimes these headaches do not develop until several days after an accident, so you may not realize they are a result of your injuries from the crash. But you shouldn’t ignore a post-trauma headache, as it can be a symptom of serious injuries such as head trauma, brain injury, or a blood clot. If you experience headaches after a car accident, see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out any serious injury. 

Neck Pain

Neck pain, such as the kind caused by whiplash, is common after car accidents. Whiplash occurs most often in rear-end collisions where the impact causes an occupant’s neck to go beyond its natural range of movement. Whiplash or another injury to the neck can cause persistent headaches ranging from mild to severe. Medical professionals can often detect whiplash early, so see your doctor immediately after a crash. 

Back Pain

Strains, sprains, damage to muscles or vertebrae, or a herniated disc can cause delayed back pain. These injuries can lead to severe consequences if they are not treated immediately. If you are involved in a car accident, see a medical professional to ensure you have not suffered any serious back injuries.

Numbness or Tingling in Extremities

If you experience numbness or tingling in your extremities following a car accident, you may have suffered damage to the back or spinal column. When a disc herniates, the spinal nerves are compressed and cause a numbing or tingling sensation in the extremities. An examination by a medical doctor, including x-rays, can determine if you have damage to your back or spinal column.

Abdominal Pain

Delayed pain in the abdominal region can be a sign of internal bleeding, sometimes caused by a cluster of injuries known as “seat belt syndrome.” Dizziness, fainting, or lightheadedness may accompany the abdominal pain. If you experience abdominal pain after a car accident, see your doctor immediately to rule out internal bleeding. 

Heart Attack

People 65 and older may be at increased risk for heart attacks after a car accident. If you experience symptoms of a heart attack at the crash scene, tell medical personnel or law enforcement immediately. In the weeks following the accident, be mindful of any unusual symptoms you experience. Be sure to let your doctor know immediately if you are not feeling well. 

Talk to an Experienced Georgia Car Accident Attorney Today

Contact the experienced Georgia car accident attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC for a free case evaluation if you have been involved in an auto accident. Our experienced team can help you seek the full compensation you deserve.

I am the founding partner of Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC. I only represent plaintiffs in injury cases and only handle personal injury claims. This allows me to focus solely on personal injury litigation and devote myself to helping injured residents in Georgia recover fair compensation for their damages.