Car accidents commonly lead to serious injuries, including those that affect the back and spine. One of the most common spinal injuries that many car accident victims suffer from is spinal stenosis. This lower back injury can have severe, debilitating symptoms, which can prevent patients from working and enjoying daily activities. Medical intervention is crucial to treat and alleviate the symptoms caused by this type of injury.
If you suffered a spinal stenosis injury after being involved in a car accident that was caused by another driver or other negligent party, you could seek compensation from the at-fault party and hold them accountable for their actions. On this page, the spine injury attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will explain spinal stenosis in more detail, how it is treated, and who might be responsible for compensating you.
What is Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal stenosis affects the spinal canal, which houses the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a conduit for messages between the brain and the nervous system, and, as such, it is a crucial element of the human body. Spinal stenosis causes the spinal canal to narrow, which places pressure on the spinal cord as well as nerve roots in the spinal canal.
Pressure from spinal stenosis can lead to symptoms such as:
- Back pain
- Lower body weakness
- Numbness and tingling (pins and needles), as well as pain and burning sensations in certain portions of the lower body, such as the buttocks and the legs
- Difficulty lifting the foot (foot drop)
- Heightened levels of pain while standing or walking
- Incontinence
- Difficulty balancing
Spinal stenosis and other back injuries can be caused by the force of a car collision. If you already have spinal stenosis, being involved in a car accident can also worsen your condition.
How Spinal Stenosis is Diagnosed After an Auto Accident
If you believe that you suffered a back or spine injury such as spinal stenosis after being involved in a car accident, you should seek medical attention right away. This is critical for the sake of your health, but also for your ability to file an insurance claim against the person who caused your injuries. The symptoms of spinal stenosis may not reveal themselves in the immediate aftermath of the accident.
Still, if you suspect you may have suffered a back injury (or any other injury, for that matter), you should undergo a medical evaluation immediately. By seeing a doctor right away, you can get a proper medical diagnosis and treatment for your injury.
Doctors diagnose spinal stenosis using a number of different methods. They may check for pain or tenderness by putting mild pressure on your spine. Imaging tests, including X-rays and MRIs, can also be useful in detecting spinal stenosis. While X-rays can show damage to the bone structures encasing the spinal canal, MRIs can give doctors a better view of the spinal cord and canal themselves.
Treatments Available for Spinal Stenosis
If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, you might have trouble performing some routine tasks. Some spinal stenosis injuries are so severe that they can lead to temporary or permanent disability. As a result, you might have to take time off work while you heal. Alternately, you might be placed on light duty.
Fortunately, there are many treatments available for spinal stenosis, including surgical and non-surgical treatments. Some of the most common non-surgical treatments for spinal stenosis include:
- Rehabilitative care (physical therapy, massage)
- Prescription steroid medications
- Prescription pain medications to reduce inflammation
Surgery is usually reserved for patients whose quality of life has drastically declined due to their injury. If your spinal injury prevents you from moving around normally or doing your regular day-to-day activities, then your physician may recommend surgical intervention. Patients usually see an abatement of symptoms within a few months of surgery, typically no more than 12 weeks. Some patients are able to return to work and perform routine activities after just a few weeks.
Who Can Be Held Liable if I Develop Spinal Stenosis After a Car Accident?
Georgia follows a traditional tort regime when it comes to auto accidents, which means that the person who caused the accident is responsible for compensating anyone they hurt as a result. Car accident victims are legally entitled to file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party, which can lead to a negotiated settlement between the two parties. If a settlement agreement can’t be reached, the victim can sue the at-fault party for damages related to the accident.
Spinal stenosis is a serious injury, and to treat it properly, you may need extensive medical and rehabilitative care. You may also have to miss some work while you recover from your injury. Large medical bills and lost income can quickly place an enormous financial strain on you and your family. That’s why it is crucial to speak with an experienced spinal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Working with a skilled personal injury attorney will offer you the best chance of getting justice through fair compensation.
Your injury attorney will gather medical evidence to demonstrate the severity of your condition (such as medical records, expert testimony, and scan and imaging test results), calculate your losses and determine the value of your claim, and build a strong case against the negligent party. While many personal injury cases are resolved before anyone takes legal action, it’s important to understand that Georgia typically gives you two years from the date of an accident to file a lawsuit. If you wait until after this time limit elapses to file, your case will likely be dismissed from court.
Contact a Georgia Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you were diagnosed with spinal stenosis or another serious injury after being involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, contact a Duluth car accident attorney at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC for a free, no-risk consultation. David Brauns has a track record of helping car accident victims seek the financial relief they deserve. We are committed to providing our injured clients with exceptional advocacy and outstanding, personalized service. Contact us online for a free consultation.