What Defenses Could the Negligent Business Raise Against You to Deny Your Premises Liability Claim?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Premises Liability

If you were hurt in a premises liability accident, you should know the defenses that the insurance company may raise in your case. Which ones should you expect?

You Could Suffer Devastating Injuries When a Negligent Trucker Causes a Crash

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Truck Accident
white car that hit a semi-truck lost its bumper

You may suffer more catastrophic injuries in a truck accident than in a car accident. Learn why this is true and common injuries caused in these crashes.

white car that hit a semi-truck lost its bumper

How to Determine Salvage Value If You Want to Keep Your Totaled Vehicle After an Auto Crash

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents

If your vehicle is totaled after a car accident, you have the option of keeping it. Learn how the salvage value is calculated so you receive what you deserve.

Truck Drivers Who Speed: A Major Cause of Fatalities in Truck Accidents

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Truck Accidents

Speeding truck drivers cause many deaths in accidents. Find out ways driving too fast causes crashes and what to do quickly to prove speeding caused your wreck.

Ways to Prove a Truck Driver’s Violations of Hour of Service Rules Caused Your Accident

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Truck Accidents
female truck driver inspecting logs

The trucker who caused your crash may have violated the hours of service rules limiting the hours he could drive without a break. How do you prove this?

female truck driver inspecting logs

Importance of Prompt Medical Care to Your Premises Liability Accident Settlement

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Premises Liability
Emergency room sign

How important is prompt medical care after a premises liability accident? Learn the many ways seeing a doctor quickly can strengthen your claim.

Emergency room sign

Psychological Abuse of Nursing Home Residents Is Common—and Often Hidden

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Nursing Home Abuse
old woman upset with her head in her hands

Detecting that your family member is a victim of emotional abuse at a nursing home can be challenging. What are the symptoms you should be looking for?

old woman upset with her head in her hands

Don’t Be Fooled: Negligent Drivers Cause Serious Injuries in Rear-End Auto Accidents

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
White car rear ends a white truck causing injuries

Many people do not believe rear-end collisions are that serious accidents. However, they can cause devastating injuries or death. Learn why they happen here.

White car rear ends a white truck causing injuries

Common Ways People Become Injured in Parking Lot or Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Slip and Fall
parking lot full of vehicles

Many victims of slip and fall accidents injure themselves in parking lots and on sidewalks. Learn why these accidents happen and who could be liable.

parking lot full of vehicles

Why Truckers Cause Deadly Pedestrians’ Injuries and Deaths

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Pedestrian Accident
Pedestrians walking across the street as a truck nearly hits them

When a truck driver causes a pedestrian accident, the victim can suffer devastating injuries or death. What are the reasons behind these tragic accidents?

Pedestrians walking across the street as a truck nearly hits them