How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
timeline for PI lawsuit

In Georgia, if you are injured as a result of another person’s negligence, you have a legal right to pursue compensation from them through a personal injury lawsuit. However, bringing a civil lawsuit can take time. If you’ve been injured, you (or your attorney) will need to gather evidence to support your claim, calculate your […]

timeline for PI lawsuit

NHTSA Releases Report on Automated Vehicle Crashes

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
car with advanced driving automation system

According to a new report released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), vehicles with automated driving systems have been linked to a number of recent collisions. Tragically, a small portion of those crashes turned out to be fatal. Manufacturers and operators of vehicles with SAE Level 2 ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems) are […]

car with advanced driving automation system

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Fireworks Accident in Georgia?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
setting off fireworks in Georgia

Many Americans celebrate the Fourth of July by shooting off fireworks, and that is certainly true in Georgia. Still, while fireworks can be a fun source of entertainment, they can also be dangerous, especially when they are improperly handled or when alcohol consumption is involved. If you were hurt in a fireworks accident that occurred […]

setting off fireworks in Georgia

What Are Georgia’s Dog Bite Rules?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
person with dog bite on their hand wrapped in gauze

Every day, people across Georgia are bitten by dogs. In many cases, the dog is unknown to the victim, or at least unfamiliar to them. But even familiar dogs can lash out if they feel threatened or scared. If you were bitten by a dog in Georgia, you might need to receive medical treatment, which […]

person with dog bite on their hand wrapped in gauze

What Happens If My Airbags Didn’t Deploy in a Crash?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents

Airbags are designed to protect you from the force of a collision if you are in a motor vehicle accident. However, airbags don’t always deploy when an accident occurs. Sometimes, this is because the airbags were not supposed to deploy, since they are only meant to work if you’re traveling at a certain speed and […]

Should I Take My Children to the ER After a Minor Crash?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
children in car accident and potential injuries

If you and your child were involved in a minor accident, you might be wondering whether you should take your child to the ER to be evaluated for injuries. In general, it’s a good idea to visit the ER if you are concerned that your child may have been hurt in the accident. However, if […]

children in car accident and potential injuries

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury

A slip and fall accident can occur anywhere, at any time. Many slip and fall victims are injured at work, in public places, or even in the homes of people they know. These slip and fall accidents often result from unsafe conditions on others’ property. Regardless of the specifics of your slip and fall incident, you have […]

What To Do After An Accident On The Highway In Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
silver car damaged in a serious highway accident in Georgia

If you’ve been involved in an accident, there are specific steps you can take to protect your rights and any injury claim you might have to make. These steps might differ from state to state, so it’s essential to know the rules if you live and work in the Peachtree State. Here, we’ll discuss what […]

silver car damaged in a serious highway accident in Georgia

Do Grass Clippings Cause Motorcycle Accidents?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Motorcycle Accident

At first, it might sound ridiculous. How could something as ordinary as grass clippings possibly cause motorcycle accidents? However, anything that causes a motorcyclist to lose stability and grip on the roadway can be dangerous. When slippery materials such as thin layers of grass clippings come between motorcycle tires and the road, the loss of traction […]

Does It Matter If You Talk to Your Insurance Agent After an Accident?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
man talking with insurance company after an accident in Gwinnett County

Does it matter if you talk to your insurance agent after an accident? Yes, it can have a significant impact on your claim. It is vital to know how to protect your rights and maximizing your compensation. After a car accident, you will likely get a phone call from an insurance company representative, either from […]

man talking with insurance company after an accident in Gwinnett County