tractor-trailer rolled over from accident

While any motor vehicle accident has the potential to cause serious injury and extensive property damage, collisions involving 18-wheelers and other large commercial vehicles can be particularly devastating. When a large commercial vehicle weighing up to 80,000 pounds hits a smaller passenger vehicle, motorcycle, cyclist, or pedestrian, anyone not inside the truck is at risk of suffering catastrophic or fatal injuries. This is just one of the reasons why truck accidents are different than regular car accidents and why you should always hire an experienced truck accident lawyer to represent you if you’ve been hurt.

Some of the reasons why truck accidents differ from car accidents include:

Semi-Trucks Cause Much More Injury and Damage

Due to the sheer size, weight, and heavy cargo they’re carrying, it is easy to see how a collision involving a truck could cause significant injury and damage.

Injuries resulting from truck accidents can be far more severe than those from a car accident.

Common injuries from truck accidents in Georgia include:

  • Broken bones
  • Severed limbs
  • Burns

Trucks Have More Insurance Coverage

Trucks require much more insurance coverage than vehicles. Depending on the type of truck and its weight, truck insurance minimums can be hundreds of thousands to several millions of dollars. Most commercial trucks carry $1 million in liability coverage.

Semi-trucks are required to have much more insurance coverage because of the dangers they pose on the road. If someone is involved in a collision with a commercial truck, there is a high likelihood the accident will result in major injuries and losses, requiring much more compensation.

The Trucking Industry is Highly Regulated

Trucks are strictly regulated. Anyone involved in the trucking industry, including trucking companies and truck drivers, must follow state and federal regulations and remain in compliance at all times.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration provides several guidelines that truck drivers and trucking companies must follow. These regulations cover various trucking topics, including:

  • The need for drivers to obey all posted street signs and speed limits
  • The maximum number of hours drivers can drive at one time
  • Rest requirements for truck drivers
  • Trucking company hiring policies
  • Regular maintenance of logbooks

These regulations add a layer of complications to truck accident cases. After a truck accident, it is crucial to have a personal injury attorney who knows and understands these regulations as they often play an integral part in truck accident claims.

Truck Accident Claims Often Involve Multiple At-Fault Parties

After a typical car accident, either one party is at fault, or both share some fault. However, in truck accidents, determining liability is not as straightforward.

Truck drivers are not the only party that may be liable in a truck accident. Many parties can share responsibility after a commercial truck accident aside from the driver, including:

  • The truck driver’s employer
  • The owner of the truck
  • The owner of the cargo
  • The truck part manufacturers
  • The party responsible for truck maintenance
  • The party responsible for loading the truck
  • The government entity responsible for the roads

To recover compensation from the at-fault parties, you must establish their negligence. When a party is negligent, this means they owed you a duty of care, but their actions breached this duty, causing your injuries and subsequent losses.

With so many potentially liable parties, it can be quite a challenge to determine who is actually at fault for the collision. Your truck accident attorney will need to conduct a thorough investigation to help establish who is to blame.

Different Factors Tend to Cause Truck Accidents

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Mechanical issues, including brake failure
  • Aggressive driving
  • Severe weather and road conditions
  • Overweight cargo
  • Insufficient driver training
  • Negligent hiring
  • Lack of truck maintenance

One or more of these common causes can result in a truck accident. Often, an investigation is needed to help determine what actually caused the collision.

Truck Accidents Victims Require More Compensation

Truck accidents are destructive. More severe injuries mean a greater need for financial compensation. The amount of compensation you could pursue depends on the circumstances of your case. Compensation can help cover the losses associated with the accident, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental and emotional anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If the truck accident causes any fatalities, compensation can also cover losses resulting from the death. In the instance of a fatality, the family or a representative of the deceased individual can file a wrongful death lawsuit. While monetary compensation can’t replace the loss of a loved one, it can help with funeral expenses, medical bills, and more.

The crash might involve multiple vehicles in some serious truck accidents. This means that multiple people might be entitled to compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and more. Getting what you’re entitled to could be challenging, with more people seeking compensation from the at-fault party.

Consult With A Duluth Truck Accident Attorney Today

Truck accident claims are often complex and require the skills of an experienced truck accident attorney. It is particularly challenging to handle your claim alone if you lack the experience and understanding of such a complicated claim process. A seasoned truck accident attorney has the tools and know-how to help you pursue compensation for your injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident in Duluth, Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC, can help. To us, you’re more than a case number. We know these accidents can be traumatic, and we’re committed to diligently working to secure the compensation you need, but also the attention you deserve. Contact us today to request a free case evaluation.

I am the founding partner of Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC. I only represent plaintiffs in injury cases and only handle personal injury claims. This allows me to focus solely on personal injury litigation and devote myself to helping injured residents in Georgia recover fair compensation for their damages.