construction zone in Duluth, GA

Construction zones are a common sight on our Atlanta area roads and highways. While road construction is much needed to improve the quality of our roadways, it can be a dangerous place for construction workers and passenger vehicle occupants who must share these tight spaces with huge 80,000 pound trucks. The slow speed and bottlenecks can be frustrating to any driver, but especially so to truck drivers who are on a tight schedule to deliver their loads. Sadly, many truckers take unsafe actions in construction zones, causing devastating injuries and deaths of workers and accident victims in crashes.

Frightening Facts About Trucks in Construction Zones

Truck wrecks in construction work areas are a serious enough problem that the Federal Highway Administration has devoted a page on its website to how to prevent them. According to its findings, fatalities are increasing, with 30 percent of all fatalities in work zones being caused by trucks. In addition, construction zone accidents have these characteristics:

  • 65 percent of crashes involving trucks occur during the day.
  • There are six times more fatal construction zone wrecks that occur on weekdays than on weekends.
  • Approximately 60 percent of these crashes occur on divided highways.
  • 70 percent of these wrecks happen on flat roadways.
  • Almost 90 percent of these accidents occur on straight roads.

Why Truckers Continue to Cause Wrecks in Construction Zones

The most common types of accidents involving trucks in construction zones are rear-end, head-on, and angle collisions. Truckers’ negligent driving behaviors are behind many of these crashes. Some of the common errors include:

  • Speeding. Speeding is one of the top causes of construction zone wrecks. A trucker speeding in a narrow lane between orange barrels can lose control and be hurled into passenger vehicles or workers.
  • Not expecting the unexpected. Many sudden changes exist in construction zones, such as construction workers driving heavy equipment quickly darting out into traffic and sudden route detours. If a trucker is not paying careful attention, he can cause a disastrous fatal crash.
  • Inattention. Truck drivers are more likely to be inattentive due the boredom and fatigue of driving long hours. This is asking for a crash given the added dangers inherent in construction work areas. Unfortunate victims, motorists, or construction workers can suffer debilitating injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, paralysis, and more.
  • Tailgating. Tailgating is especially dangerous in construction zones because of the close proximity of so many vehicles and workers. A tailgating trucker who rams into the vehicle in front of him will almost always be found negligent in causing the multi-vehicle crash that is almost certain to be a consequence.
  • Distracted driving. A trucker’s eyes and mind must remain on his driving and the road at all times—especially in construction zones. This is impossible if a driver is texting, talking on his cell phone, eating and drinking, or engaging in other distracted driving practices.
  • Drunk driving. Drunk driving is especially frightening when a truck is involved in the narrow confines of a construction zone. The driver is likely to not see changes in direction, barrels, and workers, with disastrous consequences for the motorists around him.

Let Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC Help You With the Complexities of a Truck Construction Zone Crash

More than one factor could have contributed to your accident. For example, the trucker could have been speeding, but the construction workers may have been negligent by leaving the work area in a manner that was a cause of your wreck. Sorting out liability and negotiating with more than one party can be challenging. In addition, if multiple vehicles were involved, more than one accident victim could be seeking compensation from the same insurance policies.

If you or a loved one was hurt in one of these crashes, let Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC take over the burden of investigating your case and negotiating your settlement. David Brauns understands the importance of quick action, including sending a spoliation letter to the trucking company to prevent the destruction of important evidence. Call our firm today at (404) 998-5252 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

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I am the founding partner of Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC. I only represent plaintiffs in injury cases and only handle personal injury claims. This allows me to focus solely on personal injury litigation and devote myself to helping injured residents in Georgia recover fair compensation for their damages.