Money and pills with gavel on a tabel

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and The Center for Insurance Policy and Research (CIPR) define insurance fraud as “an insurance company, agent, adjuster, or consumer who commits a deliberate deception to obtain an illegitimate gain.” Insurance fraud exceeds $100 billion in losses every year. Accordingly, consumers should beware when dealing with purported insurers. […]

Georgia does not cap damages in medical malpractice cases. Georgia lawmakers did pass laws placing medical malpractice caps on noneconomic damages allowed in medical malpractice suits in 2005 ($350,000 per facility per victim, $700,000 per victim in a case with multiple facilities, and $1.05 million in any single case), but the Georgia Supreme Court deemed […]

Malpractice victims may be eligible for compensation, however, most cases need an expert witness for a medical malpractice lawsuit to be successful.

If you did not give your doctor informed consent before he performed your procedure, you may be eligible to file a claim for compensation.

Make sure you file your claim within Georgia’s two-year medical malpractice statute of limitations or you may be unable to recover compensation.

Filing a claim for medical malpractice is not as easy as you may think. Not only do you have to prove that you suffered harm during or by an act of medical care, but you must also prove that the healthcare provider in question actually violated the standard of medical care owed to you.