If you’ve been injured because of a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, they could owe you compensation for your related losses. Unfortunately, pursuing this compensation can be more complicated than it should be. A careless property owner or insurer may refuse to pay for expensive medical bills and lost wages no matter how clearly they were at fault. In these cases, legal intervention may become necessary.

At Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC, we are dedicated to helping injured Georgians like you get the compensation and justice they deserve for accidents caused by someone else’s negligence. We know that filing a slip-and-fall claim can feel overwhelming. But you don’t have to do it alone. Contact us today for a free consultation with a compassionate slip and fall lawyer in Gwinnett County.

Proving Negligence in a Gwinnett County Slip and Fall Case

In Georgia, property owners must maintain safe premises for guests and visitors. To prove that a property owner is liable for your injuries, you must demonstrate that the owner failed to recognize or address the dangerous condition that caused the incident. You must also prove that a reasonable person would have seen and fixed the issue before the accident.

Proving that the property owner was negligent requires strong evidence, such as:

  • Medical documentation
  • Photographs of the scene
  • Video surveillance
  • Witness statements
  • Bills and receipts related to your injury

A slip-and-fall attorney can be a vital tool for recovering valuable evidence and building a compelling claim for compensation.

How Long Do I Have to File a Gwinnett County Slip and Fall Claim?

Georgia places a statute of limitations on personal injury cases, giving you two years from the date of a slip and fall to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. However, if this time limit expires before you file suit, your case will likely be permanently dismissed by the court as untimely.

While most cases end in settlements without ever going to court, the threat of a lawsuit is your most powerful bargaining chip with the insurance company. If you miss this two-year deadline, you will have little leverage to back up your negotiations and will likely lose out on the total value of your case. That’s why it’s essential to consult with a lawyer immediately after your injury, so they have as much time as possible to investigate the situation and prepare a case.

Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Gwinnett County

Unfortunately, slip-and-fall accidents can happen just about anywhere. Although property owners are responsible for keeping their premises safe for guests and visitors, they do not always live up to this duty. This can lead to preventable accidents caused by:

  • Uneven or cracked flooring and sidewalks
  • Potholes
  • Loose cords or wires
  • Loose carpets, rugs, or tiles
  • Spills
  • Wet or slippery floors
  • Stairs without railings
  • Icy conditions
  • Poor lighting
  • Debris or clutter blocking walking paths or aisles

Types of Injuries Suffered in Slip and Falls

The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) estimates that falls account for over 8 million emergency room visits annually and are the leading cause of days missed from work. Slip and fall accidents can lead to significant injuries with life-long consequences. Some of the most common types of injuries suffered in slips and falls include:

  • Sprains
  • Lacerations
  • Dislocations
  • Contusions

After a fall, get medical help as soon as possible. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent but can quickly worsen without timely care.

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in Gwinnett County

While a slip and falls are surprising, you must try to take as many of the following steps as possible — both for your health and the strength of your claim:

  • Seek medical treatment right away – Get help from a medical professional as soon as possible, as you may have serious injuries that aren’t obvious yet. Your medical records may also be vital to supporting a slip and fall accident claim.
  • Report the accident – Let the appropriate party know you’ve been injured. This could be a manager, business owner, or landlord. You may need to fill out an accident report detailing how the incident occurred. Don’t forget to ask for a copy of this report to keep for your records.
  • Document the scene – If you can, take photos of spills, stairs, ice, cracks, or anything that contributed to the fall. Note the date and time of the incident and collect the contact information of anyone who witnessed the accident.
  • Keep evidence – One detail that escapes many slip-and-fall victims is the need to maintain crucial evidence, such as clothing and shoes. Do not launder or alter these items. Keep clothes and shoes in a plastic bag or bin and store them in a safe place.
  • Hang on to bills and receipts – Keep a file of your medical bills, receipts for out-of-pocket expenses, and other documents regarding your financial losses. This information can be valuable in establishing the value of your claim.
  • Stay off social media – It may be tempting to vent your frustrations online, but avoid discussing the accident on social media platforms and review sites. Your words could come back to haunt you later. Insurers and opposing attorneys may be able to twist your narrative to jeopardize your chances of recovering compensation.
  • Talk to a Gwinnett County personal injury attorney – The claim process can be confusing and complicated without the help of an experienced Gwinnett County slip and fall attorney. An attorney can help you by filing a claim, communicating with the insurer, and negotiating on your behalf for fair compensation. We will not charge you anything until your claim is settled, and you have the compensation you deserve.