Yes. When you are shopping around for automobile insurance policies, you want to be certain that you are paying a fair price for your insurance coverage. Insurance companies offer numerous discounts that you can review below. You also want to be certain that you are purchasing enough insurance coverage to protect you both if a negligent driver causes your crash or if you are the at-fault driver. Georgia’s minimum insurance requirements of $25,000/$50,000 personal injury liability and $25,000 property damage liability coverages may not be enough to protect you. You may want to purchase increased liability coverage as well as underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage, MedPay, and more to be fully protected. However, there are things you can do to reduce the cost of insurance without sacrificing the protection you need.
What Discounts Are Available That Could Reduce Automobile Insurance Premium Costs?
Comparison shopping can help you save money on your vehicle insurance premiums. You also want to explore how much you can save by increasing the deductibles on your collision and comprehensive insurance coverages. In addition, you should check with insurance agents to see if you qualify for any discounts. Some that may help you include:
- Your vehicle has seat belts—standard on almost all vehicles.
- Your vehicle has an anti-theft device.
- Your vehicle is equipped with one or more air bags.
- Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes.
- Your vehicle is a standard model rather than a sports or high performance one.
- You have an excellent credit score and insurance rating.
- Any teenager in your family who drives passed an approved driver’s education course.
- You are a safe driver with a good driving record.
- Your vehicle is a highly valued one.
- If you are 55 years or older, you have taken an approved driver improvement course.
- You own a vehicle, such as a classic car that is low mileage and used for limited purposes throughout the year.
- You own multiple vehicle policies—which can include company cars—or have multiple drivers being insured.
- You have your homeowner’s insurance policy with the same company as your automobile policy.
- You are a driver who drives 15,000 miles or less each year.
- If a family member is a student and gets good grades, you could be entitled to a discount.
- If your family member is young and a non-principal driver, such as a student who lives 100 miles or more away at college, this could entitle you to a discount.
- You belong to an association or other group that offers members discounts on auto insurance policies.
- You may qualify for a discount under your insurance company’s loyalty program if they have one.
Do you have other questions about the insurance coverage you need to protect yourself and your loved ones? Do you need to make a claim for compensation after being injured in an automobile accident? Fill out our online form today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.
Related Links:
- Optional Insurance Coverages You Should Purchase
- How Much Car Insurance Coverage Should I Have?
- Take These Steps to Protect Your Car Accident Claim