What Is The Standard Contingency Fee for an Attorney?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
money and gavel

It’s no secret that attorneys charge some of the highest hourly service fees in the United States. Surveys indicate that prospective clients often hesitate to contact lawyers due to fee-based concerns. Legal practitioners understand that claimants who need lawyers the most—those suddenly injured by unlawful conduct –are already struggling to pay medical bills and recover […]

money and gavel

What Is Considered Pain and Suffering in an Accident When a Semi-Truck Is At Fault?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized

People often hear the term pain and suffering connected with a truck accident. It is one of those legal terms that is often used but little understood by many when they suffered injuries in a crash. While we can provide a legal definition of the term, how it is applied may vary widely in your […]

What Constitutes Elder Abuse?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized

Elder abuse is a significant problem throughout the country. Some studies estimate that only one in 23 cases ends up reported. Many people simply do not know the broad range of behaviors that are considered abuse. Broadly speaking, elder abuse is defined as “intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk of harm […]

What Is Brake Checking and How Can It Injure You?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
speeding car on a highway

When someone is driving too closely behind and tailgating another vehicle, there can sometimes be a powerful temptation to engage in brake checking. However, when drivers engage in this type of activity, it creates a variety of dangers that can lead to a serious accident. Just because someone engages in brake checking does not mean […]

speeding car on a highway

Approximately How Many Older People Experience Elder Abuse Each Year?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
Financial elder abuse legal paperwork

People often inquire about how many seniors are victims of elder abuse each year. Unfortunately, we have to answer that we do not really have an exact count. We certainly have our suspicions and our worst-case scenarios, but the nature of the act and the victims are such that elder abuse is a misdeed that […]

Financial elder abuse legal paperwork

What to Do With Your First Offer From the Insurance Company After a Truck Accident

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
Semi truck close up

Serious accidents that involve large trucks, tractor-trailers, big rigs, and other large commercial vehicles can lead to equally serious injuries and other damages. This is especially true when a big truck collides with a much smaller passenger vehicle. The force of the collision could throw the passenger vehicle’s occupants back and forth and from side […]

Semi truck close up

What to Do After a Truck Accident

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
Semi rolled over after an accident in Gwinnett County

Accidents with large commercial trucks can be devastating, a fact that isn’t surprising considering trucks like 18-wheelers can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Commercial trucks also include delivery trucks, semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, tow trucks, and dump trucks. The large size of these vehicles means that even commercial trucks traveling at relatively slow speeds can cause […]

Semi rolled over after an accident in Gwinnett County

What Is a Common Reason That Victims of Elder Abuse Do Not Report It?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
Elderly person in a nursing home wheelchair

While the known statistics about elder abuse are frightening, the amount of abuse that goes unreported is perhaps even more frightening. We hear the horror stories of seniors being beaten, exploited, and neglected at nursing homes and justifiably shutter at the mistreatment of the elderly. Unfortunately, most examples of elder abuse go unreported. In many […]

Elderly person in a nursing home wheelchair

What Happens When a Truck Driver Causes a Fatal Car Accident?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
Commercial vehicle parked in Georgia lot

Accidents between trucks and cars put motorists and their passengers in great peril. The unfortunate fact for drivers is that this risk is getting higher due to the sheer number of trucks on the road. More than three-and-a-half million truck drivers in the United States carry almost two-thirds of the nation’s freight. While society as […]

Commercial vehicle parked in Georgia lot

What Happens When a UPS Truck Is in an Accident?

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Uncategorized
UPS truck sideview

UPS is one of the largest package delivery services in the world. UPS, FedEx, the United States Postal Service, and DHL compete in the delivery space. In one recent year, UPS had annual revenues that topped $74 billion and adjusted earnings that topped $6.5 billion. The company delivered over five billion parcels and packages in […]

UPS truck sideview