Free Neck Injury Claim Calculator in Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
injured man with doctor

Our personal injury settlement calculator is designed to help individuals estimate potential compensation for neck injuries caused by accidents in Georgia. By inputting key financial and medical details, you can get an idea of what your claim may be worth based on common settlement factors. While the calculator provides a preliminary estimate, factors like long-term […]

injured man with doctor

Realistic Settlement Calculator in Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
injured man with woman lawyer

Our realistic settlement calculator is designed to help individuals estimate potential compensation for damages resulting from a personal injury in Georgia. By entering key details about your case, you can get an idea of what your claim may be worth based on common settlement factors. While this tool provides a helpful starting point, it is […]

injured man with woman lawyer

Progressive Emotional Pain and Suffering Calculator in Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
anxious female face

Our pain and suffering calculator is designed to provide individuals with a quick and simple estimate of the compensation they may be entitled to following a personal injury in Georgia. By factoring in common variables such as medical expenses, lost income, and emotional distress, the tool offers a general idea of what a settlement might […]

anxious female face

Internal Bleeding After a Car Accident

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
Woman suffering from a head injury

The violent impact of a car accident can cause serious health complications. Some of these have immediately apparent signs or symptoms, such as lacerations and broken bones. Others, however, have no visible signs. For example, the symptoms of internal bleeding gradually worsen in the hours following car accidents, eventually becoming life-threatening. Car accident victims should […]

Woman suffering from a head injury

Loss of Consortium Claims in Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
Worried woman sitting on the side of the bed while husband sleeps

When someone gets hurt due to another party’s negligence, the harm often goes beyond their physical injuries. In many cases, the consequences are devastating for the victim’s spouse as well. In personal injury law, the term “loss of consortium” describes the losses that a spouse experiences due to their partner’s injuries. So, when can a […]

Worried woman sitting on the side of the bed while husband sleeps

Can I Change My Lawyer Before Settlement in Georgia

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Personal Injury
Injured person shaking hands with an attorney

Can I change my lawyer before settlement? This is a common question for individuals who feel their current attorney isn’t meeting their needs. Have you been wondering if you made the right choice when you hired our personal injury lawyer in Duluth? If so, you might be thinking about seeking legal representation elsewhere. But how […]

Injured person shaking hands with an attorney

What to Do If You’ve Been Rear-Ended

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
two cars involved in a Georgia rear-ended accident

Rear-end collisions are among Georgia’s most common types of accidents. The Georgia Department of Transportation reports that of the nearly 400,000 crashes statewide in one recent year, about 36 percent were rear-end collisions. Unfortunately, they often cause their victims severe injuries and financial instability. Knowing what to do if you’ve been rear-ended can make a […]

two cars involved in a Georgia rear-ended accident

Understanding Georgia’s Pain and Suffering Laws

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
Woman experiencing depression, sitting on the ground with her hands around her knees.

In Georgia, those hurt by others can seek compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, and other losses they suffered as a result – including something called “pain and suffering.” But what exactly is pain and suffering, and how is it quantified? What Is “Pain and Suffering?” Georgia courts acknowledge that injuries have more than just […]

Woman experiencing depression, sitting on the ground with her hands around her knees.

Georgia’s Good Samaritan Law FAQs

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
good samaritan performing CPR on a man knocked unconscious in an accident

Doing the right thing can be hard. It’s always easier to turn your head and look the other way when someone else is in trouble. It takes courage and selflessness to lend a helping hand instead. In the spirit of promoting the kindness and altruism that all societies need, many states have enacted “Good Sarmatian” […]

good samaritan performing CPR on a man knocked unconscious in an accident

What to Know About Lawsuits Against Drunk Drivers

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC | | Car Accidents
drunk driving accident in Georgia

After an auto accident, you might step out of your vehicle to speak to the other driver, only to notice that they appear intoxicated. If the drunk driver was to blame for the accident, they could owe you compensation for personal injuries, vehicle damage, medical bills, and more. But how does their intoxication affect the […]

drunk driving accident in Georgia