In a 13-year study conducted by DogsBite.org, researchers found dogs killed more than 400 people in the United States between 2005 and 2017. Georgia had more dog bite-related deaths than every other state except Florida, California, and Texas. Among all the fatalities, pit bulls were responsible for two-thirds, rottweilers for 9 percent, and the remainder by huskies, mastiffs, bulldogs, and mixed breed dogs.
Although deaths from dog bites are few, more than 4.5 million people per year suffer dog bite injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates about 20 percent of these injuries lead to infections. Most of the time dogs are “man’s best friend, but aggressive and poorly trained dogs sometimes cause severe injuries and fatalities, especially when children are involved.
Whether you or your child has been bitten by a dog while running or walking through your neighborhood, spending time at a park, or delivering a package to a commercial or residential location, Georgia law entitles you to sue for damages related to your injury. Contact the experienced Atlanta dog bite lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC at 404-418-8244 to discuss the details of your injuries and learn how we can assist you after a dog bite.
Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC Gets Results
The skilled legal team at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC has ample experience negotiating, settling, and litigating personal injury cases for clients who have suffered a wide array of injuries, including dog bites. The firm’s dedication to exceptional client service has led to the recovery of millions of dollars of damages for its clients. These examples do not guarantee an outcome for your case, but they do demonstrate how our committed attorneys will go the extra mile to get the maximum payout for you after a dog bite injury.
Dog Bites Can Lead to Serious Injury and Illness
A dog bite might cause several types of illness and injury. Common examples include:
- Contraction of diseases such as rabies, Capnocytophaga bacteria, Pasteurella, MRSA, and Tetanus
- Deep lacerations can leave permanent scars
- Soft tissue damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments
- Multiple fractures, especially in children and small-framed adults
- Mental trauma from the dog attack, especially in children
- Death, often from infections resulting from a bite
Georgia’s Responsible Dog Ownership Law
Title 4 of Georgia’s legal code contains several statutes which make up the Responsible Dog Ownership Law. Under Georgia law, dangerous dogs, meaning dogs who have shown previous aggression, must be registered and owners must carry a minimum of $50,000 in liability insurance coverage. Owners who fail to comply with legal requirements set out in the Responsible Dog Ownership Law face confiscation and destruction of their dogs. Additionally, dog owners will be charged with a misdemeanor.
Georgia has a strict liability law for dog bites, which means dog owners are strictly liable for all damages when their dog bites and injures another person; however, the law has three caveats for strict liability:
- Law enforcement/animal control must consider the dog vicious or dangerous. Any dog required to be leashed under Atlanta’s city ordinance is considered dangerous.
- The dog must be off-leash and at large as a result of the owner’s careless behavior.
- The injured person must not have provoked the animal into an attack.
Recovering Damages After a Dog Bite Injury
If you have suffered injuries after a dog attacked and bit you, Georgia law entitles you to sue for damages. You might receive compensation for the following if the court rules in your favor:
- Medical expenses including ambulance and emergency services, hospital stays which are at least 50 percent more costly than average for dog bite victims, reconstructive surgeries, and medication
- Future medical expenses, especially with severe attacks requiring multiple surgeries
- Psychologist or therapist expenses to deal with the trauma of a dog bite
- Lost wages for missing work due to injury, hospitalization, and recovery
- Future lost wages when a dog bite causes severe injuries which prohibit a victim from returning to work
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional anguish
- Scarring and disfigurement
- Punitive damages in severe cases of gross negligence