Standing up for Injured Cyclists in Lawrenceville

Bicycles continue to be a popular form of transportation, exercise, and recreation across the United States. The country’s carbon footprint decreases as more people choose biking over automobile transportation. The greater the number of people riding bicycles, however, the greater the number of bicycle accidents.

The Lawrenceville personal injury accident lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will review the facts of your case and investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident. After you have finished treatment for your injuries, we can submit a settlement demand and pursue monetary compensation on your behalf. If the at-fault person’s insurance company does not offer the fair and just compensation you deserve, our legal team can file a legal complaint in the court system.

Because bicycles leave their riders exposed to direct contact with vehicles and surfaces, bicycle accidents often lead to serious (and sometimes fatal) injuries. Unfortunately, state laws do not require adult bicyclists to wear helmets.

Injuries that individuals sustain in bicycle accidents can be extremely painful, and recovery often requires a significant amount of medical treatment. Consequently, if someone else’s negligence caused a bicycle accident that injured you or a person you love, it is crucial to have a knowledgeable and experienced team of attorneys on your side who can assist you with pursuing the monetary compensation you deserve.

Common Injuries and Medical Treatment from Bicycle Accidents

According to recent statistics, more than 1,000 cyclists across the country are killed annually in accidents, and approximately 467,000 injuries each year are related to bicycle accidents. Statistics also show that the costs associated with bicycle accident injuries can be extremely high, showing productivity losses and lifetime care costs of approximately $10 billion yearly.

Even when cyclists wear protective headgear, the American National Standards Institute notes that helmets can crack in a bicycle accident and allow the wearer to sustain severe cranial injuries.

There is no disputing that bicycle accidents can lead to severe and sometimes fatal injuries, particularly if the cyclist doesn’t wear a helmet to protect from catastrophic bicycle head injuries. Common injuries that result from bicycle accidents include soft tissue injuries, traumatic head and brain injuries, bone fractures, shoulder and rotator cuff injuries, internal bleeding, spinal cord and back injuries, comas, and even death.

The treatment that you must receive following a bicycle accident injury depends greatly upon the nature and extent of the damage your body has sustained. As soon as possible after your accident, visit a local urgent care facility or hospital emergency room so a healthcare provider can evaluate you, even if you are not sure whether you even sustained an injury.

A minor injury that goes undetected can develop into a much more serious concern in a short period of time. Prompt medical attention is essential. Before you leave the emergency room, the healthcare provider may recommend follow-up treatment with a specialist, such as an orthopedic doctor in the event you suffered a broken bone in your bicycle accident.

In addition to visiting an urgent care facility or emergency room, make an appointment with your primary care doctor as well (if you have one). It strengthens your bicycle accident claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company if you can prove that you took prudent and prompt steps to receive the medical guidance and treatment your injury required. To learn more about if you are covered by insurance after a bicycle accident speak with one of our skilled Lawrenceville bicycle accident lawyers.

Depending upon the injury or injuries that you suffered in your bicycle accident, you may also need to undergo surgery or some other significant medical procedure. For soft tissue injuries, lengthy physical therapy regimens are sometimes necessary to help you regain full mobility. You may also seek injections for pain relief, in the event pain management intervention becomes a necessary part of your treatment.

While you are treating your injuries, the experienced team of Lawrenceville bicycle accident lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will be working on your case. Our legal team will collect the necessary documentation, including police reports, medical records, and medical bills. We can also undertake any investigations that may be crucial to proving your case. Contact us today to discuss your case and what we can do for you.

Common Causes of Lawrenceville Bicycle Accidents

Common causes of bicycle accidents that take place in the Lawrenceville region include:

  • Motor vehicle driver negligence – Individuals who operate their cars, trucks, and SUV’s on Lawrenceville roadways owe others, including bicyclists, a very high duty of care. Specifically, they have an obligation to operate their vehicles in accordance with the state of Georgia’s rules of the road and reasonably and carefully at all times. This standard of care applies not just on the road but also in parking lots, parking garages, and other areas where bicyclists and pedestrians are often present. When a motor vehicle operator speeds, drives recklessly, weaves in and out of traffic, or follow too closely behind a vehicle in front of them, they increase their chances of colliding with a bicycle and injuring the cyclist. In a collision between a motor vehicle and a bike, the cyclist almost always ends up the worse off. If you have been involved in an accident due to a Lawrenceville truck accident or Lawrenceville car accident then learn what Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC Can do for you. Give us a call today.
  • Distracted driving – As part of their duty of reasonable care, motor vehicle operators must pay attention to the road at all times. Drivers must stay alert for smaller vehicles, including bicycles directly on the road or in an adjacent bicycle lane. When motor vehicle operators constantly check or program their cell phones and other electronic devices while operating their vehicles, the chances that they will cause an accident increase dramatically.
  • Road defects (especially near construction sites) – In some instances, bicycle accidents are not the result of negligent motor vehicle operation. Instead, these accidents occur because of defects on the road, such as large cracks, potholes, and grooved pavement. Bicycle accidents are especially prevalent in this context when construction companies do not post the proper signage to warn cyclists and motor vehicle operators alike that construction work is taking place. If an accident caused by a road defect injures a cyclist, they may bring a claim or file a lawsuit against the potentially responsible entity, such as the city, county, or a private construction company, for damages.
  • Defective bike parts – Many essential parts make up a bicycle, including handlebars, wheels, and brakes. When one of these parts malfunctions while a bicyclist is out on the road, an accident can occur causes the cyclist to fall to the ground and sustain a severe injury. Bicycle manufacturers and part manufacturers owe a duty of care to the public to ensure that only safe and properly tested bicycle parts enter the market and are made available to consumers. When a bicycle accident victim can demonstrate that a defective bicycle part caused an accident, they may file a claim or lawsuit against the parts manufacturer or some other entity that is part of the distribution chain, for monetary compensation.

If a bicycle accident stemming from one of the circumstances listed above injured you or someone you love, you must have an experienced Lawrenceville bicycle accident attorney at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC representing you throughout your entire case. We can assist you from the initial claims stage of your case all the way up through litigation. If you decide to take your case to trial, our lawyers will zealously advocate for your interests in the courtroom and help you obtain the best possible jury verdict.

Bicycle Accident Insurance Claims

The first step to seek compensation for your bicycle accident injuries and losses is to file insurance claims against the negligent party or parties.

These might include:

  • Drivers
  • Employers of drivers on the job
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Construction companies
  • Government agencies

Whether your claim is against an individual or a corporation, it can be an uphill battle. Insurance companies will challenge liability for your injuries, as well as the extent of your losses. The adjuster will surely try to get you to accept a settlement that is far too low, and you should never sign anything without first speaking with an attorney. The right bicycle accident lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company to try to obtain the maximum possible settlement in your situation.

Litigating a Lawrenceville Bicycle Accident Case

In some bicycle accident cases, despite faithfully negotiating with the at-fault individual or entity’s insurance company, the insurance company still refuses to offer full and fair monetary compensation to resolve a case. When that happens, you have the option of litigating your bicycle accident case through the state civil court system. The litigation process begins when your attorney initiates a lawsuit on your behalf by preparing and filing a petition with the proper court.

Under Georgia law, there is a two-year statute of limitations in place for bicycle accident cases, including those that involve bicycle accidents. Under almost any circumstances, you have only two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit seeking monetary compensation for your injuries. Absent some extremely limited exceptions, if you do not submit your lawsuit within that two-year period, you will forever waive your right to do so and can no longer pursue money damages for the injuries that you suffered in your accident.

Secure a knowledgeable Lawrenceville bicycle accident attorney at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC as soon as possible after your accident. Your lawyer will make sure that a lawsuit is filed well within the two-year window of time. The lawsuit will name all responsible parties involved in the accident, whether those parties are negligent motor vehicle drivers, parts manufacturers, or some other person or entity.

After you file your lawsuit in the court system, the insurance company will likely appoint an attorney to represent the defendant(s) whom you have named in the suit. The defense attorney will file an answer, and both sides will take part in discovery. The discovery phase offers each party the opportunity to learn more about the other side’s version of the case. Written discovery consists primarily of interrogatories and document requests, while oral discovery usually refers to a deposition.

During the discovery phase of bicycle accident litigation, the parties may continue negotiating to reach a favorable settlement number. If these negotiations fail, the parties may agree to arbitrate the case or take part in mediation. A mediator will step in to facilitate a reasonable settlement between the parties. If the case has still not settled, the parties have the opportunity to try the bicycle accident case before a jury. After a jury trial, the jurors may reach a verdict that resolves the issues the parties are disputing in the case. In most bicycle accident cases, one of those disputed issues is damages (the amounts and types of compensation awarded to the injured accident victim).

For the accident victim to recover monetary compensation in the form of damages, the accident victim must demonstrate that the at-fault individual owed a duty, that the at-fault party violated (or breached) this duty, and that as a result, the accident victim suffered injuries and damages.

Available damages in a Lawrenceville bicycle accident case can include compensation for lost earnings, medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of spousal support and companionship, mental distress and anguish, loss of use of a body part, and loss of enjoyment of life. If a family member dies in a bicycle accident that resulted from another person’s negligence, then the surviving family members may assert a wrongful death claim against the at-fault person or entity.

Lawrenceville Bicycle Accident FAQ

Individuals who are involved in bicycle accidents caused by another person’s negligence can suffer serious injuries, some of which may be permanent. Unlike the operators of cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles, bicycle operators do not have any protective covering surrounding them during an accident.

If the rider falls to the ground, they are likely to suffer a serious injury, such as a bone break, traumatic head or brain injury, or spinal cord injury (especially if the rider lands on their head or back). Even when bicycle riders wear a helmet, the helmet can crack if it strikes the ground with enough force.

If you suffered an injury in a bicycle accident that happened because of a reckless or negligent motor vehicle driver—or some other cause—the experienced Lawrenceville bicycle accident lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will investigate your accident and determine who was at fault. We will then assist you with pursuing the compensation you deserve for your losses in your case.

Although many bicycle accidents occur on busy roadways, even where a designated bike lane is available for cyclists, these accidents occur in other locations as well. Bicycle accidents are common in parking garages and parking lots, for example, due to the limited visibility often found there.

A bicyclist may become involved in a dooring accident in a parking lot or on the side of the road. Dooring accidents occur when a motor vehicle driver or a passenger carelessly opens their door into the path of an oncoming bicyclist. Bicyclists sustain very serious injuries from the impact of this type of collision, and may even fall to the ground.

In addition to those taking place in urban areas with a lot of traffic, bicycle accidents also happen on rural country roads, especially those that are narrow and have winding turns. Rural road conditions can make it difficult for motor vehicle operators to see a bicycle in time to avoid colliding with it. Moreover, when narrow roads do not have designated bicycle lanes, a bicycle accident is more likely to occur. When these roads have a large number of sharp turns, poor visibility leads to sudden collisions.

If a bicycle accident occurring in an urban or rural location injured you or someone you love, the experienced Lawrenceville bicycle accident attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC is ready to help. We can investigate the circumstances of your accident and determine who was likely at fault. Our team will then file a claim or lawsuit on your behalf for monetary compensation and damages.

One of the most common causes of bicycle accidents is carelessness, recklessness, and negligence by motor vehicle drivers. Even though some roads in and around Lawrenceville have lanes that are designated solely for bicycle traffic, a distracted driver can easily veer over into a bicycle lane and collide with a bicycle rider. To make matters worse, some motor vehicle operators get frustrated with bicyclists’ presence on the road because they believe that bicyclists unnecessarily slow down traffic and are an inconvenience to other drivers. This antagonistic attitude can lead to aggressive and dangerous driving.

When motor vehicle operators are not paying attention to the road or disregarding traffic laws, they increase the chances that they will collide with a bicyclist and bring about severe injuries and damages. However, there are other causes of bicycle accidents besides motor vehicle driver negligence and carelessness.

Common causes of bicycle accidents that occur in and around Lawrenceville include:

Distracted driving – Distracted driving occurs where a motor vehicle operator is paying more attention to an electronic device or car stereo while operating a motor vehicle, resulting in a collision with a bicyclist or pedestrian the driver failed to see.
Disobeying the law – Disobeying the law usually involves a motor vehicle operator disregarding traffic signs, traffic signals, and other traffic control devices in the vicinity, resulting in a collision with a bicyclist.
Drunk and drugged driving – When motor vehicle drivers choose to operate their vehicles after consuming alcohol or drugs, their senses can become impaired, as well as their reaction time slowed down. Drivers who are under the influence may not notice or take the presence of a cyclist seriously, leading to a collision and causing severe and sometimes fatal injuries.
Tailgating – Motor vehicle operators always seem to be in a hurry. When drivers follow a cyclist too closely, they might not stop their vehicles in time, causing a rear-end collision with the cyclist. Such a collision may cause the cyclist to lose their balance and fall to the ground, resulting in serious injuries.
Unsafe lane changes – When motor vehicle operators try to maneuver around traffic and weave in and out of lanes, the driver’s recklessness causes their vehicle to collide with a bicycle on the side of the road.
Dooring accidents – As previously covered, a dooring accident occurs when a motor vehicle driver or passenger opens their door into the path of an oncoming cyclist, severely injuring the cyclist by causing them to hit the door and fall to the ground.
Although motor vehicle collisions with bicycles are among the most common causes of bicycle accidents, there are other causes. Equipment malfunctions and part failures lead to bicycle accidents. When handlebars, brakes, or seats malfunction or do not work correctly while an individual is operating their bicycle, and they cause an accident, there may be a legal liability on the part of the bike or parts manufacturer and distributor.

For example, the brakes on the bicycle may malfunction, causing the rider to collide with a motor vehicle or a stationary object located near the side of the road.

Bicycle and bicycle parts manufacturers also owe a duty to the public to ensure that the products they allow to enter the marketplace are in good working order, adequately tested, and ready for sale to the public. Such diligence and oversight does not always happen, however, and bicycle parts are sometimes defective or do not work correctly.

If the bicycle accident victim can prove, often through expert testimony, that negligent manufacturing or design work caused or contributed to the accident, the accident victim may name the bicycle parts manufacturer (or anyone else who is in the product’s chain of distribution) as a defendant in any filed lawsuit.

In addition to defective bicycles and bicycle parts, inadequate road conditions, such as cracks, spalling, and deep potholes, can lead to serious bicycle accidents. Defective road conditions are especially prevalent near construction zones. In cases where a bicycle accident victim can prove that a defective road condition or job site led to an accident, the accident victim may be in a position to file a legal claim or lawsuit against the entity that is responsible for maintaining the roadway where the accident happened.

In some cases, the responsible entity may be a construction company. At other times, a division of the government, like the city or county, may prove responsible. You should remember, however, that when it comes to suing a governmental entity, you may need to fulfill specific notice requirements before you may file a lawsuit in court. If you file your lawsuit before fulfilling the applicable notice requirement, the court could dismiss your case.

The knowledgeable legal team of Lawrenceville bicycle accident attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can determine the specific cause or causes of your accident and name all potentially responsible individuals or entities to the claim or lawsuit. Our goal is to maximize your monetary compensation chances by pursuing the highest amount of recovery on your behalf.

Injuries that bicyclists sustain in an accident run the risk of being permanent or, in some cases, deadly. In cases where a motor vehicle operator negligently caused their vehicle to collide with a bicycle at a high rate of speed, resulting in the bicyclist falling directly to the ground, the injuries sustained are often very serious. If a bicyclist isn’t wearing a helmet at the time of an accident, the risk of a fatality becomes very real.

When bicycle riders suffer a severe injury in an accident, they may need to undergo long-term medical treatment, painful medical procedures (including corrective surgeries), and physical or occupational therapy. Cyclists who suffer severe injuries may also need to miss significant time from work to fully recuperate from their injuries, as well as attend physical therapy and medical appointments.

Bicycle accident injuries can include traumatic head and brain injuries (TBI’s), broken bones, soft tissue-type injuries (including muscular strains, muscular sprains, and contusions), internal bleeding, spinal cord injuries (including the various forms of paralysis), and death.

To recover monetary compensation for one or more of these injuries that you suffered in a bicycle accident, you must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the accident was a cause of your injury or injuries. At personal injury jury trials arising from bicycle accidents, accident victims must demonstrate this causal connection by introducing expert medical testimony, such as the testimony of the doctor who treated the bicycle accident victim for their injuries following the accident.

An experienced Lawrenceville bicycle accident lawyer at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can help you recover monetary compensation for all of the injuries that you sustained in your bicycle accident. In addition to pursuing economic recovery for your medical bills, lost wages, and out-of-pocket losses, we may also seek non-economic damages on your behalf for pain and suffering.

When it comes to filing a claim or lawsuit arising from your bicycle accident, you should take legal action in your case as soon as possible. In the state of Georgia, accident victims only have two years from the date of their accident to file a lawsuit arising out of their sustained injuries. If they do not file a lawsuit within this two-year time period, the law prohibits them from seeking or recovering monetary compensation for their injuries from that accident at any point going forward. Take legal action as soon as possible after your bicycle accident.

Generally speaking, the sooner in the process that you contact a lawyer, the better off you will be. Your lawyer will assist you in investigating the accident case and determining the identities of all potential defendants. Your lawyer can then file a claim with the at-fault person’s insurance company and, if necessary, file a lawsuit, should the insurance company not be willing to settle your bicycle accident case favorably.

It is crucial to keep in mind that filing a lawsuit in your case does not mean that your case will ultimately go to court. In fact, under many circumstances, these types of accident cases settle outside of court. However, if the insurance company refuses to compensate you for your injuries, you have the option of taking your case to trial. You may also pursue alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, as a means of resolving your case.

A bicycle accident can leave you severely injured and under immense financial strain from medical bills, not to mention the frustrating phone calls with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but you don’t have to do it alone. A Lawrenceville bicycle accident attorney at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can help you decide on the best legal course of action for your bicycle accident case that will have the best probability of success.

Speak With an Experienced Lawrenceville Bicycle Accident Lawyer About a Possible Case Today

The legal team at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC welcomes the opportunity to pursue settlement or litigation in your bicycle accident case. For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Lawrenceville bicycle accident lawyer, please give us a call at 404-418-8244 or CONTACT us online for more information.

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC
892 legacy park Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA 30043